
Wole Soyinka: Artist as a Social Activist

In Nigeria, Yoruba population theatre groups have always served as the most forthrightrepresentation of anti-establishment campaign. Given the nature of social and political contextfrom which Wole Soyinka’s drama emerges, there is in it a similar acceptance of drama as a vitalmeasure of socio-political indictment. Soyinka is acutely sensitive to the changes in Nigerian political-situation, especially…


The Poetic World of Sujata Bhatt

Indian women’s poetry in English, still a marginalized area of critical study, is slowlygaining ground as a significant and identifiable area of research. The woman writer’sreconstruction of life through the various literary forms and modes emphasizes the validity ofBeheroze Shroff’s statement: “The time has come for women to stop seeing through men’seyes and language–we have…