
The Poetic World of Sujata Bhatt

Indian women’s poetry in English, still a marginalized area of critical study, is slowlygaining ground as a significant and identifiable area of research. The woman writer’sreconstruction of life through the various literary forms and modes emphasizes the validity ofBeheroze Shroff’s statement: “The time has come for women to stop seeing through men’seyes and language–we have…

Culture, Language and Globalization

To reconsider globalization and culture at this juncture of history cannot be accomplishedwithout taking into account the present recession in the world economy. It is difficult toforget the concept of welfare state and the system of mixed economy, generally put againstthe open market policy supposedly leading to the so called ideal of Laissez-faire.But our context…

Reinvigorating Memories, Cultural Attitudes and the Practice of Mothering : A Reading of Jerry Pinto’s Em and the Big Hoom through the Gender Lens.

Reinvigorating Memories, Cultural Attitudes and the Practice of Mothering : A Reading of Jerry Pinto’s Em and the Big Hoom through the Gender Lens.

Representations have the power to influence cultures and shape our imaginations accordingly. Over the years, representations pertaining to the domain of motherhood in India, have made us believe in the self – negating, sacrificing and giving nature of mothers. Experiential aspects of being a mother have been neglected for long and it has now become…

Hindi Film Songs: Transcend Visa, Language and Culture

Hindi Film Songs: Transcend Visa, Language and Culture

In current digital scenario information can be translated and transferred throughout the world with the blink of the eyes. The paper does not talk merely on the translation of the text but also of transcending consciousness through the availability of content globally. People of any nation are not stick to their country but are globally…

Assimilation: A Big Challenge among Immigrants in Honor Based Societies as mirrored by Unni Wikan

Assimilation: A Big Challenge among Immigrants in Honor Based Societies as mirrored by Unni Wikan

The objective of this paper is to bring out the impact of lack of assimilation of immigrants in the European culture as brought out by Unni Wikan in her book, In Honor of Fadime: Murder and Shame. Wikan has brought to fore a number of honor-related issues that the immigrants from traditional Kurdish background face…

The Treatment of Homosexuality in Murgikhana(The Hen House) of Kewal Sood

The Treatment of Homosexuality in Murgikhana(The Hen House) of Kewal Sood

With the advent of industrial revolution in Europe a new middle classemerged that experienced several novel experiences at family, workplace, institutional, social and cultural levels. Some fundamentalchanges also occurred in individual’s life splitting the traditional withthe new, the modern. The economic affluence that followed brought atrend of investing more time in lengthy writings representing the…

Empowerment of Women characters in ManjuKapur’s Difficult Daughters

Empowerment of Women characters in ManjuKapur’s Difficult Daughters

The desire to house an identity is inherent in every human being. It is astate of mind that differentiates a person from others and it may bedefined as a person’s own sense of self. For a girl, this quest foridentity begins from the day she is born. She may be born in India or inany…

Spirituality and Law : A Study of Hindu Conceptof Marriage through ‘Ardhnarishwaram’

Spirituality and Law : A Study of Hindu Conceptof Marriage through ‘Ardhnarishwaram’

Homo sapiens is one among many species on earth. That they, unlike otherspecies, have attained the stature of being called as ‘humans’ is only becauseof the spiritual journey they have taken up since time immemorial. They haveescalated to higher degrees of civilization and levels of culture in the past, thattoo, with a great exuberance and…